
Anton Gasser

The Cossacks play an der Drau
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
So I'm just now the Cossacks. In the time I was there, as is happening down there. Beginning of May, they descended on the Plöck - who were still employed by Italy, the Cossacks. And Russian units, 30,000 horses. And the whole country? yes it is already grown well, from mid-May so we also good. The whole Viehwerk they have let go since. No matter where they were, in the cornfields, zusammengetrampelt and eaten. And the Cossacks, of course - who took care of the still? Then it was just begging everywhere, in all directions. And if it did not work, they probably have mitgehabt a machine gun. I show you now write a letter, written by my mother. One last potato she has lent. No more bread! Milk it a bit had. And who had begged and cried. And they were just down there, not half a kilometer away from us. Then they zusammengefangen the English. After this has scattered, and part is just about here and there once again? are then a few were still around. Soon, it became quiet. That was a bad time.